• 03Feb

    into believing that some of the most healthful foods on earth are going to kill us.

    Avoid butter, eggs, coconut fat…Instead we were told to eat hydrogenated vegetable oil margarines, easily oxidized polyunsaturated fats and to go low fat thus being forced into a high carb diet. Changing our diets thus would prevent heart attacks and prolong our lives.

    The result – heart disease is the number one killer and type II diabetes is on a rampage. The same people that said using trans fat laden hydrogenated vegetable oils margarines instead of butter would prevent clogging of the arteries are now saying “trans fats are not safe at any level” Numerous studies have shown a correlation with diets containing trans fats with heart disease and the onset of diabetes!

    While heart disease has increased from being a rare disease before 1920 to the point that it is the number one killer of Americans today…

    Get this: the consumption of animal and vegetable saturated fats have decreased over the past 80 years

    And this: butter consumption has decreased dramatically – in the good ‘ol days we enjoyed 18 pounds per person per year – now it is under 5 pounds.

    And this: the consumption of refined and hydrogenated vegetable oils have increased 400%

    And this: there has been a 60% increase in the diet of refined and highly processed foods

    And this: people with low cholesterol have a higher mortality rate than those with high cholesterol

    Now, I’m no math genius or rocket scientist but it sounds like avoiding saturated fats like butter, coconut and palm oil and skipping eggs isn’t going to help me live longer!

    Well, what about all those scientific studies that support avoiding all these goodies? In a word, “Interpretation.” You can take all the scientific double blind, meta blahblah studies on lipids and disease and read them til you’re totally cross eyed and blind. But depending on who funded the study and how you interprete or statistically massage the results – you can have it support any theory you want. Even when the results don’t support the theory we are still outright lied to.

    Take the famous Framingham study: We all heard that the study supported lowering saturated fats and cholesterol but the truth is…

    William Castelli the lead researcher for the Framingham study reported in The Archives of Internal Medicine in 1982 that The more saturated fat & cholesterol & the more calories consumed, the LOWER the rate of heart disease”

    Ok, so here is my opinion…humans are complicated – science has figured out A LOT about the human body but it hasn’t even begun to figure out what makes us tick…so why shouldn’t we rely on what our ancestors have eaten for the past 10,000 years? Man-made foods are not supporting the longevity of human kind, in fact they are killing us! We eat and eat and eat all this refined stuff yet are so malnourished.

    Where do we begin…start slow. Replace man-made with nature made.

    Toss out the margarine – it is 100% human-tinkered fake food! Our bodies can’t use it to build or repair new cells – Instead use unsalted organic cultured butter. As we use to say in my favorite restaurant as we slaved away during the dinner rush, “Everything is better with butter!”

    Now, I’m not saying eat a pound a day or even a tablespoon a day. A dab on your veggies – broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes…makes all those veggies taste better and helps you metabolize the fat soluble vitamins. How about a teaspoon to finish off a tasty pan sauce? The butter brings all the flavors together like nothing else can. You enjoy your food more which helps relieve stress! Now reducing stress…that will help prolong your life for sure!

    Remember, as a wise scientist said, “Traditional Knowledge has been Validated in the Laboratory of Life!”

    Permalink Filed under: General, Nutrition & diet
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