• 15Jul

    My Mom always bugs me about eating breakfast…or more accurately not. So, after more than a few decades of my own life experience I have to admit she is right. 
    Ok, so that’s a bit of an exaggeration – I’ve know breakfast was important for a long time but just never got around to it. I typically didn’t feel hungry in the morning and was busy coifing and getting ready to start my day so never had time. But, boy did I feel it mid-morning when my blood sugar plummeted and I became a cranky spaced out monster. I would start stuffing down anything in sight and end up with a tummy full of junk. 
    Now I advise folks on proper eating habits so of course I have to practice what I preach! I declared, “I will now start eating breakfast!” 
    I’d wake up, run around getting ready for my day and oops forgot again or ran out of time or there’s nothing good to eat… Hmm, this is not working so I realized, “Gee, I must plan ahead…” or I can wake up earlier…nope, not gonna happen. 
    Planning a few days out is good. So now I put together something the evening before or make sure I have something I can assemble quickly in the morning such as fruit already washed and cut up or soft boiled eggs. Since I’m not typically hungry until 9 or 10am I eat something light like fruit before I leave the house and pack something for later. 
    Some people like smoothies (I’m not fond of them – the smoothies not the people who like them . Line up all your ingredients so they are easy to toss into your waiting blender in the morning. Should take 5 minutes or less and viola a nice nutritious breakfast. 
    Most people I talk to have a hard time figuring out what to have for breakfast so I thought I’d report in every now and then on what I’m having. You’ll see that for me – any food is ‘breakfast” food. 
    Today’s breakfast: 1 banana, 1/3 c blueberries, and 3/4 c watermelon. Later (around 10am, I will have a turkey meatball sandwich (2 oz) with cheddar cheese (1 1/2 oz) on a sprouted wheat bun with a little dijon.  

    Permalink Filed under: General, Nutrition & diet
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