• 29Nov

    Studying nutrition is great fun. We are learning about macronutrients now – Protein, Carbohydrates and Fats. The other night, a few friends and I discussed heart health over dinner of ironically hamburgers and fries. I decided to put together a short list of what makes for heart healthy eating… 
    Heart Healthy Eating 
    Nutrients found to reduce cholesterol and saturated fats in the blood and arteries. 
    Lecithin – keeps cell membranes pliable; transports fat in and out of cells
    Choline – lipotropic agent that controls fat metabolism, speeds metabolism of fat through the liver; constituent of Lecithin. Important for brain and nerve function
    Vitamins E, C – Antioxidants; aids in fat metabolism and protects tissues from free radical damage, helps reduce inflammation
    Niacin – a B-complex vitamin; helps reduce cholesterol and fats in blood
    Bioflavonoids – bright pigments in fruits and vegetables work with vitamin C to strengthen blood vessel walls
    Plant fiber – reduce fat in blood and prevent hardening of arteries
    Omega 3 Fatty Acids – of note types EPA and DHA are two important ones. All types help cardio health – cleans circulatory system of cholesterol and fat deposits; decreases stickiness of platelets, reduce blood viscosity, lower lipid levels, lowers cholesterol levels, reduce clotting, lower blood pressure, encourage blood flow to tissues damaged by poor circulation, reduce irregular heart beats 
    Lecithin – beans, especially soybeans; cauliflower, grapes, peanuts, liver
    Choline – peas, sprouted beans
    Niacin and Vitamin E – whole grains
    Vitamin C – sprouts, cabbage, parsley, bell peppers, citrus
    Bioflavonoids – citrus peel, cherries, blueberries, grapes, green tea, ginko
    Plant fiber – whole grains: especially rye, quinoa, amaranth, oats; fruits and vegetables
    Omega 3 Fatty Acids
    · Fish – salmon, anchovies, sardines, mackerel, butterfish, tuna, halibut, herring (7-10 oz/week). Or cod liver oil.
    · Plant – flax (2-4 T ground seed or 1 T oil/day), hemp, chia seed, pumpkin seed, soy, tempeh, walnut
    · Dark Green Vegetables – kale, collards, chard, parsley, cereal grasses (wheat and barley grass)
    · Meat – grass fed beef; lamb, bison
    · Dairy – raw milk or cheese from grass fed cows, goat, sheep
    · Microalgae – spirulina


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